2018 DC Recordkeeping Survey Data (sample data file)
PLANSPONSOR’s 20th annual Defined Contribution (DC) Recordkeeping Survey profiles 63 providers of 401(k), 403(b) and other DC plan administration. The survey data includes all major providers (over $6 trillion in DC assets), and is invaluable for analyzing market share by assets, plans and participants in various areas of the Defined Contribution market.
If you are interested in purchasing an Excel spreadsheet of the Recordkeeping Survey data for all providers that participated, the cost for the 2018 spreadsheet is $6,300. For a free sample copy of the spreadsheet data proceed to check out. If you are interested in purchasing the data after reviewing the sample spreadsheet, please contact Michelle Judkins at michelle.judkins@strategic-i.com or calling her at 203-595-3276.